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40 Months ago this journey began, and it began at a low point. It began when the pain of stagnating became greater than the fear of radical change.
It began with a vision of who I could be and what life could be if I could find a way to become healthy. I had a vision of how my body would function, and how it would feel, and how that would look. That vision included how my mind would function, and how that would feel.
I have gratitude for my brother @jasondarroyo for capturing this image, because that vision from years ago is becoming a reality. I thought the journey would take 12-18 months. It's been 40 and counting, and there is still much work to do. In a sense the work really begins now, because I'm finally healthy enough to face greater challenges that will develop my greater potential.
If I can do it, anyone can do it. Treat yourself like you have unlimited potential, because you do. Everyone is born with unlimited potential, and the ultimate challenge is unleashing that potential. Start with a vision, create a roadmap, and make a daily game plan. Trust the process. The outcome is certain, only the timeline is not. #NeverSurrender

Continuing the tradition of celebrating the craft of the barbers who help me throughout the process of personal transformation, shout out to @taperhands
You are appreciated.
#Repost @rubioatplay with @get_repost
First professional haircut during the COVID era. Feels good.

People don't change until they feel the pain - it has been true in my life, and I've witnessed the same in other people's lives. We are feeling it during this time. What do we want to do about it? Who we are is not a reflection of the world around us, the world around us is a reflection of who we are. We can change it anytime, and the change starts at home.

“Since I was a child I’ve had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential.” - Bruce Lee
This project is about working to fulfill that duty. If one feels the instinctive urge for expansion and growth, then how does one go about developing one’s potential?
What is the quintessential human experience? What do humans do that other animals don’t? We transform potential into reality. What does that mean? Think of it this way - Joe Rogan had a bit that ended with “If I dropped you in the middle of the forest with nothing but an axe, how long would it take you to send me an email?” Every piece of technology from the axe to the email and everything that came after was transformed from something that only existed as potential in the form of an idea into something that exists as a reality in the physical world. In every case there was a human or a team of humans that transformed that potential into the subsequent reality. That craft of transforming potential into reality is the quintessential human experience. It is the thing we do that no other animal does.
If we seek to develop our human potential, then one way we can go about it is by developing that craft that transforms potential into reality. If we develop a mindset, a strategy, and a process for transforming potential into reality, then we can apply them to developing our craft.
This is the ultimate human skill - transforming potential into reality. We are here to cultivate that skill. We are here to share tools and insights for cultivating that skill. We are here to develop that skill into a craft.
#NeverSurrender #Travelgram #LivingTheDream #gh5photography #gh2 #BecomeWhatYouMean

Everything boils down to mindset. How do you want to live today? Do you want to invest your time in a future you want or spend your time worrying about a future you don't? Do you want to bury yourself in anxiety by worrying about things you can't control, or give your best effort toward the things you can control? You must choose. Choose wisely.
#Repost @dailystoic with @get_repost
A few reminders from the Stoics for all of us during these trying times

"The purpose of the game is to perpetuate the game." We're in this game together.
We're all we got.
We're all we need.
#Repost @simonsinek with @get_repost
It is rare for all of humanity to have an opportunity to come together to help each other. This is one of those times. #struggletogether #cometogether #togetherisbetter #infinitemindset

Storytelling has the power to change lives. This is an idea that has always fascinated and inspired me. Instagram is another medium for storytelling, or at least it can be. If you scroll back through someone’s feed, a story will be revealed. Is the story fiction or nonfiction? Is the story inspiring? Is it depressing? Is it funny?
Every story is different, but the stories are there. Take a look at the stories. You might learn something valuable from the stories that people share. Where did they start? Where are they today? Where will they go?
What’s your story?
#NeverSurrender #BecomeWhatYouMean #GrowthMindset #InfiniteGame #InfiniteMindset

And nobody but the baker sees the process. The public only sees the product.
#Repost @tombilyeu with @get_repost
Passion is a process. The ingredients are deep interest, engagement over time, and the ultimate gaining of mastery.
Only after that will you ever have a passion that will capture mind, body, and soul. So don’t worry if you feel like you’re the only one without a passion. You’re not.
No one starts with a passion. Sure, some people find their’s earlier than others, but there’s always time to walk the path just as there’s always time to bake a cake.
You just need the right ingredients and the dedication to do it right.

Two years ago a friend of mine
told me the Alhambra de Granada blows your mind.
#TravelGram #Wanderlust #AlhambraDeGranada

Two years ago in La Linea/Gibraltar.

Transforming potential into reality - that is the job of inventors, artists, and leaders. The process of taking something out of the world of imagination and manifesting in the physical world is an "Infinite Game" that requires an "Infinite Mindset." The Infinite Mindset includes creativity and perseverance.
#Repost @bigthinkers with @get_repost
Celebrate the electric messiah Nikola Tesla with Big Think's Genius Series clothing and goods at the link in bio.

Transforming potential into reality is what artists do - manifesting ideas from the imagination. It's what leaders do - starting with what's possible and reverse engineering a plan to make it happen.
Seek to be an artist. Seek to be a leader.
#NeverSurrender #BecomeWhatYouMean

Here's the thing about a bad hand, it's not about the cards you're dealt, it's about how you play them. In poker I can fold. In blackjack I can surrender. In life you can never surrender. I'll never surrender. I've had to retreat. I've had to regroup. I've had to heal my wounds. I've had to change my strategy and redeploy, but I'll never surrender.
#Repost @rubioatplay with @get_repost
"50 told me 'go 'head, switch the style up...'"
After two years, I decided to switch it up from the mohawk. It served the purpose of representing that phase of transformation. The transformation continues in a new phase, so it was time to switch the style up.
#BecomeWhatYouMean #NeverSurrender #GrowthMindset

Brilliant insights from the Champ; ideas that can serve us all.
To my mind confidence is the willingness to show up and give your best effort without any fear about the outcome. Understanding the idea is one thing, practicing it is a different matter. Robert Whittaker is practicing and living the confident mindset at the highest level. This is true inspiration as we pursue our practice. We can't wait to see what he does next. (Also congratulations to @stylebender for a brilliant performance and demonstration of the confident mindset)
#LetsGoChamp #BecomeWhatYouMean

Some days will be euphoric, some will be challenging, some will be gut-wrenching - all can be rewarding.
#Repost @neil_strauss with @get_repost
#FrankHerbert #dailythought #appreciation #dune #oregondunes #literature #novels #TheTruth #DeepInnerGrowth #InnerGrowth #DeepInnerGame #InnerGame #advice #instawisdom #lifeadvice #wisdom #growth #philosophy #successsecrets #preparation #gratitude

This perfectly exemplifies "become what you mean." Each individual has a unique essence. Americans are often uncomfortable with the word "spirit," but that is the right word. Purely expressing that spirit is a path to the most personally meaningful experience of YOUR life. This is pure expression.